I’m pleased to share with you I’ve recently taken a course for Trigger Point Pilates!
I’ll be adding it to the December ti
Trigger Point Pilates is a combination of Pilates based exercises combined with Myofascia Release (which is traditionally a hands-on therapy). This means you will be strengthening your core and releasing muscle tightness in the same class. The Trigger Point Massage balls, Foam Roller, mini Pilates balls and bands will be acting like a therapist.
Trigger Point is a highly effective method of Pilates which gives your core an intense workout with the added benefits of trigger point massage – perfect for working out those knots and leaving you feeling more flexible and limber.
Myofascia = Myo means Muscle and Fascia means Band
On a deeper level think cellular! Fascia is a matrix of cells, a network throughout the whole body. If we take fascia away our bodies would fall apart! Bones and Organs are supported by fascia; each organ is wrapped in a hammock of fascia that’s connected to the spine, ribs, or pelvis. Tendons and ligaments are layers of fascia that are meant to absorb shock and distribute impact. If tendons are tight, dehydrated and shortened, they can’t absorb impact and will fray, shearing, causing pain.
Releasing myofascial trigger points will bring about changes in the myofascial structures by stretching or elongation of fascia. The method uses your own body weight, movement, breathing and equipment to aid the soft tissue release through gentle Pilates movements.
The training method helps alleviate chronic pain conditions and acute muscular tightness, minimising muscular restrictions, enhancing functional movement. By the end of the class one feels lighter, lengthened and able to move at ease.
So what’s involved?
The class starts by gently mobilising the body, learning how to position the body in good alignment and how to connect breath to each movement. Using compression, movement and dynamic stretch you will journey through a system to release the body’s fascia, trigger point by point mainly around the areas of poor mobility. You’ll feel amazing afterwards.
I look forward todoingthese classes 😊